Monday, May 4, 2009


The body is an amazing piece of machinery, the further you push it, the stronger and more resilient it becomes. This same time last year I couldn't fathom completing some of the runs that I now incorporate into my regular workouts. I feel like I've progressed to another level of fitness. Another 40mile week under my belt. I feel great, but at the same time I'm worried about burning out this summer before training even begins. Last weeks race made me realize that I can't sit back and day dream about floating along for 26miles. The short fast races keep you honest and remind your body just how hard it is to push the pace.

April 27- May 3
Monday: REST! Still sore from Sunday's race and evening workout
Tuesday - AM: 4mi Tempo (29:28 / 7:11 pace)
PM: 9mi Hilly (1:10)
Wed: 6.25mi easy
Thurs: Rest
Fri: 4mi Tempo - Full Effort (26:56 / 6:44pace)
Sat: 18.1mi Long (2:20 / 7:50 pace) - Great run. West Plaza loop, ideal conditions, calm, 56, cloudy. I ran against a 'Blisters for Sisters' walk on the trolley trail, a walk for the sisterhood. There was an art fair going on in Brookside I ran through. I tried to extend the main loop but still had to circle around a couple of miles near home to get in the full 18. Two bags of ice made a teeth chattering recovery bath, it hurt so good! Today's fuel: Gu gel @ mi3, Gatorade and 1/2 zone bar @ mi8, Gu @ mi 12, and quick water stop at the gingerbread coffee house.
Sun: Rest!!

Total: 41.4mi (5:16hrs)

*Angie is training hard for the Hospital Hill Half-marathon in June!! I was considering running the 10k but instead I'll be happily cheering her on from the sidelines. The hills are your friend, Angie : )

For some reason I've started to crave Vegetable Pizza and fresh Avocado with Tomatoes after the Saturday long hauls.....yum yum!!

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