Friday, June 5, 2009

Mental Toughness

“Aerobic efficiency is built on consistency”. This has been the goal this summer, to stay consistent and build volume. I try to create mental walls for myself each week. One goal has been to complete at least 30miles by each Wednesday, in any fashion necessary. This usually means running twice a day on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. By Wednesday evening, the work is done and I feel a great sense of satisfaction, knowing Thursday is a well deserved rest day. This type of dedication requires a lot of mental strength, which is something I’ve had to work on as the miles have added up. It’s the same mental strength that is required to dig deep when the pain is telling your body to give up. The mental toughness required to endure running 26.2 miles at a given speed. It’s a variable every bit as important as each long run and interval set, yet an attribute even more challenging to strengthen.

There are days when the last thing I want to do is go out and run 8 miles, especially when I ran 6 hard that morning. But I make myself do it, and I’ve broken through mental barriers, the once impossible has now become possible with every new goal accomplished. I believe every runner, whether elite or novice, wakes up questioning the task at hand. It’s so easy to rollover and hit snooze on the alarm clock. It’s plain and simple, running is hard! It’s the simplest form of raw endurance, yet, to achieve ‘personal bests’ takes extremely hard work and devout dedication. Get up, slip on your running shoes and “keep your appointments with yourself”.

Mileage – May 2009
5/25/2009 — 5/31/2009: 56.9 Miles (7:20:43hrs)
5/18/2009 — 5/24/2009: 64.3 Miles (8:42:48hrs)
5/11/2009 — 5/17/2009: 39.3 Miles (5:18:06hrs)
5/04/2009 — 5/10/2009: 50.1 Miles (6:38:10hrs)

Total: 232.6 Miles (30:48:56hrs)

Memorial Weekend

Angie and I camped out at Clinton Lake, near Lawrence KS for two nights. We had a chance to do some great trail running. Here are some notes from my Journal:
Clinton State Park North Shore Trails with Angie. Muddy and rutty, our first time on the trails, we took our time to get our bearings on the traversing white and blue marked trail loops
5/24 PM
When I saw that the trail crossed over right next to our camp grounds I couldn't wait for a second run. Angie was sacked out and decided to take a nap. I was flying, bare-chested and loving it. I ran out 30 minutes and turned back, crossing through mile check points 3 & 7. I know I was keeping at least 8min pace but I'll low ball and say total 5mi since I didn't have on the Garmin. Thank goodness for my trail shoes having a solid mid foot and toe guards for sharp rocks, I almost biffed it several times.
From our camp site we went a different direction from my previous evenings run. Angie was right on my heels the whole time. I was running shirtless and collecting all the nights pre-strung cobwebs that crisscrossed the trails. We ran right up on a skunk that scurried into the bush and pointed his back at us as we whizzed by. I thought for sure he was going to spray us, but we lucked out

Upcoming Races

KC Hospital Hill Half-Marathon – June 6
Psycho Wyco 15mi Trail Race – July 11

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