Sunday, October 25, 2009

Stay the course

With less than 2 months until White Rock my training is going well. It's hard to believe this year has flown by so quickly. As the race looms closer and closer in the rear view mirror it's hard not to think of the epic challenge, pain and determination it will take to eclipse my goal time. Reality is really setting in. This is the time where self doubt can play with your mind, another wall to climb over and push through, mental toughness. I have to remind myself daily that I've done all the work required, run all the miles and hit all the goals necessary to make it happen. Just stay the course!

I raced a successful preparatory 10K in Liberty MO, Sept 26 (3rd place / 40:11 / 6:28pace). This past weekend I pushed through a tough half-marathon course and just barely missed my goal of breaking sub 1:30 by a measly 15secs / 6:54pace, still a personal best but I was a little disappointed. I was able to shed almost 10 full minutes off the same race last year. Just think, it took a full year and over 1500miles to shed 10 minutes on the same course, proof that speed and endurance does not happen overnight and you can't rush the process without most certainly getting injured.

This past week was a recovery/easy week after the half-marathon, even though I ran a powerful 15miler on Saturday that boosted my confidence over the mental "wall" I was feeling. I just had to let myself go, forget about the race and split times and just enjoy the beautiful 60degree fall day. All the leaves are changing colors, no wind, and the desire slowly crept back into my body and I ended my run feeling strong and anxious to start next weeks training. There's always a lull depression right after a hard race. Your bodies achy, strained and brittle. There's a slight fear that sets in, the fear and desire to go back out and do it all over again, but harder. I'm almost there, steady the course....

I saw this really inspiring video last week, kind of tear jerker but the message sank in deep. YES YOU 'CAN'. Check it out if you have a few minutes.